Padua, Contarine Gate.
Starting from the realization of our first Interensemble Compact Disc, produced by Edipan in 1990, we dedicated ourselves to music written by composers who were working in close collaboration with our instrumentalists. Several of them, such as Stefano Bellon and Carlo De Pirro, were an active part of the group and had contributed to the choice of works, at least at the beginning. Decisions concerning repertory and the directions to follow were usually taken after a meeting between instrumentalists and composers, and often we felt the need to formalize the musical practicalities that emerged from these discussions.
Right from the first editions of Computer Art Festival, we planned meetings with composers and book and journal presentations. In particular, in order to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the group, in 1994 we organized a conference at the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice, that had the theme Towards Two thousand: composers at the end of the millennium. It was also the concluding moment of an international project titled 10 for 10, that led us to collaborate with numerous European organisations specializing in musical research.

Vicenza, Conservatory of Music, Arrigo Pedrollo.
It was 1994, and we wanted to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the group’s foundation by commissioning various works from several European composers who were also leaders of musical ensembles similar to our own. Emerging from this initiative was the CD 10 for 10, an eclectic disc containing music by Jesus Villa Rojo, Jean Louis Petit, Piotr Lachert, Bruno Maderna, Franco Donatoni, a piece by Michele Biasutti and a work of my own. The CD 10 for 10 was our second discographic product and appeared five years after Interensemble, brought out in the ‘90s. The years that immediately followed were characterized by an intense, almost frenetic recording activity, thanks to the collaboration with the Venetian recording company, Rivalto, newly-founded by Robert De Pieri.
Our discographic production was latest result of concert projects that took us around Italy and abroad. In 1995 there appeared Poetry and Music of Today, in 1996 and 1997 the double production Astor Piazzolla: Chamber Music I and II with the collaboration of the accordionist Claudio Jacomucci, in 1998 the CD anthology Computer Art Festival 1986-1996 that encompassed several works presented in the preceding 10 years of the homonymous festival, in 2000, the CD Venezia Velata and in 2001, music for Leopardi. We produced 8 Compact Discs in little more than 10 years!
B. Beggio. From Interensemble 3.0 – About its thirty years